daxle mentally exhausted

stripped and beaten

danced and fried

bacon and your mom

x danced with your shoulder to the floor
unit blocks implanted in your ears
vanilla bear headache beer
no reason yeah
trying to go to bed and kill it all for a few hours, but can't seem to get up off this chair
because Unslept 160503
birdmad Jogging (me, of all lazy bastards)
Through my vaguely dangerous neighborhood at midnight with my deadmau5 playlist keeping my tempo from falling to a walk.

These Mister Rogers shoes are not meant for this

I am, believe it or not, thankful for slow neuropathy

Before it set in, every step was a pain thanks to the old Russian's wrath for catching me guarding his daughter a little too closely and going to town on my toes with a ballpeen hammer (one of the sketchier jobs I took in college)

I actually sprint better on my toes now, as if I was running in invisible heels...damnedest thing...

Just enough time to get a beer

Raise_your_weapon , hard sprint when the beat drops
unhinged damn allergies; i think these might be the worst of my inflammation ridden life 160506
tail-devouring snake I jog in the heat of the day, out in the open desert. Me, bunnies, lizards, mountain bikers, hawks. Blazing sun. Push myself, barely really anything objectively. But for me, the distance, heat, pacing to my oontza music, sends me to that delicious silent place. Hard breathing. Mind empty. 160506
dexla I chose a relentless path 160521
what's it to you?
who go