i'm so sick of people who are scared of themselves. criticism is not evil. it is not hate, it is not anger, its not resentment... no more than anything else is, but our intentions make it so. this means (dear god!) that one blather can be of more value than another! a person (and not even an evil, amoral, hateful, resentful person) can actually establish some sort of standards by which they choose to judge the value of literature, or art, or, in the end, blathers! (i'm starting to sound like miniver) anyway, this doesn't make anyone better or worse...but, sorry to say, it may just make some blathes better than others, in the critic's opinion. this idea doesn't go against our principles of equality, or freedom of speech...but the blind disallowance of this idea does...like the blind disallowance of ANy idea does...it's like...reversed closed-mindedness. it is a dangerous and abusive overcompensation. ther's nothing wrong with the idea that people can actually be better or worse at whatever it is they do.if you disagree, disagree with a person's opinion on whether or not whoever is better or worse at what and in what way, but don't you dare try to disagree with a person's right to form and express that opinion... if you're going to burn the flag, burn it wherever you decide to burn it if you don't like what goes on here, do whatever you decide to do about it. blather is blather do whatever the fuck you can/want with it. (check out blather_pollution)
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true dat. and amen. and all that.
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omg..*falls in love*....you're my hero....*bows humbly*
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"you ain't fly. you ain't fly. you ain't fly, so go 'head witch yaself"
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Teenage Jesus
A Trick of the Tail
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Galatians 5:15
"But if instead of showing love among yourselves you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Beware of destroying one another."
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sometimes you just need anonymity
what's it to you?