So I dance for you, my brothers and sisters
Hoping, in my secret heart of hearts
That in your silent unseeing
You too are dancing with me and through me
That the ecstacy which fills my heart in this moment
Is your ecstacy as well.
It is my most sincere and sacred wish
To have somehow done justice to this gift
This glorious blessing, this chance to revel
In our combined majesty.

Oh thank you! Thank you so much!
How can I express my gratitude enough?
How can my appreciation be felt?

Is it felt my beloved ones?
Is there a way that here in life, in this incredible sense of being
I can let all of you know how much it means to me to be alive?
How truly humbled I am by your sacrifice?
By the patient waiting for your turn to come?
Is there a way that the humility of a self-centered speck of dust come aware
Can proclaim its arrival generously enough?

The thought of your selflessness and the glory of what together we are
Shakes the very foundations of my vain existence.
Foolishness are all of my achievments in comparison
Paltry are all of my honors and accolades
Meaningless are a lifetime of acts
When compared to this simple act of joyful expression.

For mere words cannot express my gratitude
Not nearly as well as the raw expression of my emotion
And so I dance..for you my brothers
In the hope that someday it will be YOU who dances
And I who looks on, silent and unseeing
Playing my part in creating your happiness
In making of your chance to be
The glorious paradise that you have made of mine.
tom waits well it's so hard to dance that way, when it's cold and there's no music playing. with your own hometown so far away, but inside your head there's a record playing, a song called hold on, hold on, yeah you gotta hold on. 021020
what's it to you?
who go