emerald gem after gem after gem,
i'll still fall back on wanting to be near you.
with you.
lou_la_belle oh so pwetty spring green!
reminds me of flowers and sun
bumble bee's
days spend lying on the grass

unhinged birthstone of august

the color my piss has been looking lately because i started taking my vitamins again. yeah, that's right; i have peridot-colored piss. if only i could make jewelry out of it and sell it.

my brother and sister were born on the same day in august. we will be in hawaii this year for their birthday moving my brother into school. *pout* that is a shitty excuse to go to hawaii: because you are shipping your brother and best friend off thousands of miles away where he won't be able to come home for years. *pout* he has been my buddy since the day he was born. i don't want him to go. all this cause i see the word peridot on the recent list. my train of thought isn't that hard to follow is it?

i think this is why i always score moderate to high on the schizotypal part of that personality disorder quiz that's floating around here. cause my powers of abstract association go from peridot to piss to my brother. ha.
what's it to you?
who go