unhinged you think you know it all
got it all figured out
but you have no idea what i'm about
flash a deceptive smile
you won't look close enough
to see the hurt in my eyes
your throat contracts
in the gulping motion of a swallow
you'll forget it all by tomorrow
what a convienient excuse
the pills you eat
bitter with the taste of defeat
i'll stay close by
until you can stand again
silent and accepting
of what i know you won't change
the ring of truth dampened by
your convienient excuse
the pills you eat
a blanket too small
i'll stand by
and stretch it thin
so you can bounce back again
wasted away and falling
unhinged to_my_boys

damn i_miss_you
unhinged (i remember the day i read this to you;

you were high 'i will never do that to you'

and as soon as you said that, i knew it was a lie)
unhinged goddamn


you were such a fucking liar
i taste the anger in my spit

you pushed me into the arms of the buddha
you gave me the bravery to
to let_go
to find someone who actually wants to be responsible for my heart

and yet

here i am
still thinking of you
what's it to you?
who go