sabbie and he said most of the words i make up are onomatopoeias (onomatopoei?) and i laughed.

its cos most of the words that i need that havent been invented yet are describing words.
i need more verbage!

this blathe was bought to you by the words sproink and splop and by the number 19827816884266897946581358144359174256281442562918112435.3
sabbie in the best tradition of the (f)onetic arguement, why isnt the word onomatopoeia more onomatopoeic?

what is a good onomatopoeical word for the idea behind the term 'onomatopoeia'?

i like mirror, myself.
...wait, thats not an onomatopoeia, thats just a better describing word, which in itself does not make it an onomatopoeia.

wait! describing words arnt verbs, theyre doing words... bollix. whats the word for a describing word then?

rar! and to think i did grammar at uni! (and now im a call centre monkey... earning the same amount as i did when i had my old job that used both my degrees. now isnt that funny.. but not onomatopoeic dammmit!)

[i love the fact i can get horribly lost in my own thoughts...]
yummyC BANG!!! 020131
pop pop 020201
kx21 A String or link to WWW:-

sporkwielder meow...meow





paste! bacon_grr 020414
User24 buzz 030522
User24 I prefer sibilance to onomatopoeia 030522
jane aaah there's that word sibilance!!!
what does it mean???
sixteen Of, characterized by, or producing a hissing sound like that of (s) or (sh)
(for jane)
megan techno remix
onomato onomato onomato poeia
User24 sixteen; true, but it's characterised by the evilness produced by the 's' sounds, eg;

the snake slithered soundlessly through the seeds of it's destruction.

say it slowly, and it sounds really dark and evil.
-elle blitzkrieg 030621
Rowbes moo.
a monosyllabic onomatopoeia

was here
silly cow muu! muu! *munches on blue blather grass* 030621
god cow_mu 030621
kipper sabbie and of the onomatopoeia had said that the majority of the words that I make is above the onomatopoeias (onomatopoei) e I laugh. its cos more of the words that I need that invented havent however he is describing words. I need verbage more! this blathe to it was bought by sproink and splop of the words and number 19827816884266897946581358144359174256281442562918112435,3 020131... sabbie in the more better tradition of (arguement f)onetic, why isnt the onomatopoeia of the word more onomatopoeic? what is a good onomatopoeical word for the idea behind ' the onomatopoeia ' term? I taste of the mirror, I myself. ... it waits, thats not a onomatopoeia, thats only one word of better description, that nse does not make it a onomatopoeia. it waits! describing it states verbs of arnt, theyre that bollix makes the words.... what it is the word for a word of description then? to rar! e to think of I made the grammar in I joined it! (and now im a monkey of the center of the call... that it gains the same amount that I when I had my I work old that dammmit used isnt of both now my degrees this funny but nao onomatopoeic) [ love of i the fact that I can start horribly lost in my proper thoughts... ] 020131... BOOM of yummyC! 020131,,, PNF 020201 of the PNF... kx21 a rope or a linking the WWW: - http://www.tnellen.com/cybereng/lit_terms/onomatopoeia.html 020414... woof of woof of meow of meow of sporkwielder......... chomp... chomp.. whistle of the whistle...... croak of croak...... sigh....sigh... 020414,,, folder! bacon_grr 020414... Buzzed User24 030522... User24 I prefers sibilance onomatopoeia 030522... aaah of jane is this there sibilance of the word! what means? 030522... sixteen of, characterized close, or producing a sound hissing like that one of (s) or (sh) (for jane) of 030523... techno megan remix onomatopoeia 030524 of the poeia of the onomato of the onomato of the onomato... User24 sixteen; true, but it is characterized by evilness produced by the sounds ' of the s, for example; the serpent slithered soundlessly through the seeds of it is destruction. it says it it slowly, and it sounds really dark and evil. 030527... - blitzkrieg 030621 of elle... MOO of Rowbes. a onomatopoeia monosyllabic was 030621 here... muu silly of the cow! muu! * munches in the blue gram of blather * 030621... cow_mu 030621 of the god what it he is it? 040803
skinny when your hands move around their neck
when the bone breaks
is an onomatopoeia?
people make many sounds
hsg kung_fu_sound_effect_remixes 050724
hsg kung_fu_sound_effect_remixes 050724
pete a fun word to say, like vichyssoise 050724
what's it to you?
who go