it all feels like an endless cycle, like this time, the time when i should be happiest (and i am! it's just, i'm terrified all at the same time) i'm crying more often than laughing- it's overwhelming sometimes, the overflowing joy i have at knowing I FOUND HIM!!! mix that in with the deepest sense of loss at being apart from him, and add that clouding fear of new things- the BIGGEST step i've ever taken! i'm not sure how to do this, but i see the end of this tunnel- here, i'm alone, feeling my way down this stone corridor with my faint lamp giving off only a pale circle of light- the darkness here eats away at my soul, taunting this singularity i am- and just when i was about to sit down in this river of filth, i looked up. there, not so very far away, you stand, arms open, beconing me to your embrace. there's a look in your eye that i haven't seen before: a glimmer, a smile, a surity= you're looking at me like it was the first time, and yet you still see me, who i really am- you have no misconceptions about this- and it still startles me, but as i run toward you, the world vanishes, until, finally, we are alone i miss you baby-
what's it to you?