mr song marijuana is a harmless, it's nothing more than a plant grown on mother earth.

marijuana a gatway drug? hardly ! everone i know who smokes it never started on any other drug.

even heavy marijuana use does not increase a person's chances of developing lung cancer . this has been proven by scientists at the University of California Los Angeles.
mr song i have never tried anything else and i have a carrier. how harmful is that ! 070613
f tell me why you smoke it then !
if it doesn't harm you !

does it help you escape the shit in the world ?
it made reality worse for me, so i had to stop.
saw see punctuation_spacing 070614
mr song i do it occationaly, usually vacations, not like i used to, because i get random piss tests at my job. i will not touch anything else. if it where legal there would be no random piss tests. some people need it for medical purposes and some people need it as an anti-depressant. some people can't handle it or smoke it at the wrong place or time. 070614
? but it's an anti-depressant, where did you get that from? 070614
Lemon_Soda It may be an anti depressent but its linked to anxiety attacks after long term use.

Like any drug, its give and take.
And like any drug it should be legal just so we can regulate it if nothing else.
? hey !

that would be a good start !
it would stop all the killing in Columbia maybe.

how about cigaretes though, do we get them fom the doctor or from a shop ?

or do we just hope that we will stop taking them whenn we become happy ?
Question man why do you space your punctuations? 070614
. cos i break the law ! 070614
Question man oic 070614
what's it to you?
who go