Spare Change set your dirty glass into wet rings on dark wood. let your hands fall in heaps and let your head sink on to that uncertain support. Abandon hope all ye who enter here. Abondon your dreams, leave this putrid world behind. Wander outside, shitfaced. Stumble through the streets scream the name of your loving God, scream until he hears. Lurch through these memories and unspoken promises,leave yourself in tears. The fire in your eyes, it died so long ago. Drowning in your drinks. 030827
jezabel your chances just ran out,
and everything you fear
is waiting for you outside.

sobering realization?
just enough to take the edge off
for when the dregs of the night
come crashing down upon you.

(bra-f'in-vo, spare change
Dafremen Make mine a double VSOP with a J.W. Harp for the thirst. On tap? Excellent! 030827
oldephebe i'm a teetotaler by neccessity and not neccessarily because of any moral qualms - but i binge on these free mints this tall florid portly heavy jowled bathroom attendant dispenses sometimes - i never tip though, i think he's catching on though - oh well - Zern's apple cider and seagram's ginger ale over crushed ice in a tall glass - that's the stuff for me
randomly recent nice, spare change, very nice.

egger . 040108
what's it to you?
who go