Doar stabbed in the eye with a visine bottle 050613
Lemon_Soda hit in the head with a helmut. 050613
Death of a Rose punctured your ear drum with a qtip 050613
Lemon_Soda choking to death on your wifes wedding ring. 050613
stork daddy overdosing on chamomile. 050613
Death of a Rose the Malboro Man drowning in a pool of formaldyhyde (sp?). 050613
Lemon_Soda Loosing the use of your legs in a wheelchair accident. 050613
Death of a Rose getting run over by an ambulance 050613
Lemon_Soda getting punched in the mouth by a dentist. 050613
Lemon_Soda Racking yourself with a pool cue. 050613
Lemon_Soda Getting fired from the library for reading on the job. 050613
p2 drowning in a vat of liquid oxygen

(i know, i know,
you'd freeze to death first
in the -183 degree celcius temperature)
Death of a Rose KX21 leaves blather 050613
Death of a Rose charleton heston shooting himself in the foot 050613
p2 paris hilton
goes to the beach
in the daed of winter
and dies of

over exposure
p2 getting unsolicited commercial email
from the
hormel foods corporation
Lemon_Soda A plumber flushes his wallet. 050613
p2 spending all your money
on a wallet
p2 a mime with laryngitis 050613
p2 a psychic getting hit by a bus 050613
p2 beating
trevor horn
geoff downes
to death
with a boombox
stork daddy gary kasparov eats your queen with only his pawns. 050613
stork daddy the ambulance crashes into you and you die. 050613
stork daddy sawing off the branch you're sitting on. 050613
p2 choking to death
on a lifesaver candy
p2 kissing gene simmons 050613
p2 playing the beegees
at a funeral
p2 dying while purchasing
a tract of land
devoted to
agricultural purposes
Death of a Rose a classical musician choking on a flute.

p2 a peta member
choking his chicken
Doar finding weapons of mass destruction in dubya's ass. 050726
spilt_milk or just sacrificing good sense for an emotional high 050726
p2 getting high
on sweet 'n' low
Doar tickling a clown to death 050726
Doar a librarian being eaten by a voracious thesaurus. 050727
Doar a dentist comitting suicide...

...wait...that's not ironic.
dipperwell a spammer whose dick keeps shrinking 060713

meta's real work fails to make an anthology
Doar a geriatric using viagra suffering a fatal aneurysm (sp?).

a masochist beaten to death. oops.
what's it to you?
who go