User24 You walk down a small, dark alley to get out of the wind so you can light your richmond menthol cigarette..

fumbling a little, and sweating slightly (it's hot) you get your zippo out, pausing a while to think about the person who gave it to you last year..

You miss them loads, and wish they where here with you on this business trip....

Just as you spark the flint, a figure emerges..

"Hey, buddy, spare a cigarette?" he asks, you reach into your bag, but as soon as you turn you feel a cold, sharp pain in your back.

The last thing you remember is the old man walking away, playing with his new zippo.
User24 To restart this weird ol' thing from the beginning, place the mouse cursor over the following word: dh0001 , take any finger(s) you may have and depress the appropriate mouse button 020611
User24 alternatively, click my name and enter the blatheworld at random by clicking any blathe preceeded by "24_" 021128
Whitechocolatewalrus I really just wanted to know what certain death would be like, but then you started to confuse me with your clicking and entering and things. What am I supposed to think now? 031122
u24 think of purple shoes. 031123
Whitechocolatewalrus I used to have purple shoes. I would wear them with my purple socks, purple stretch pants, paurple shirt and purple headband. 031125
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl im wearing purple shoes 040104
u24 good for you!

now think of green beards.
(this is fun)
what's it to you?
who go