clothesline green eyes.
green shirt, soaked with violence.
i love her.
jonathan incredible ability to interpret life in new and interesting ways 030624
nemo he told me last night you were a princess, then he looked over and told me i was less of a princess, (but with a wink) however... more of a queen. 040401
nemo sunday before i drove back to school she went with travis, me and lizz to go get some dope. we stopped in that certain parking lot in the west end to shoot up before returning to suburbia, you made me split our half and cook the dope, which i guess i didnt mind too much. oh such a princess, arent you? dont get me wrong, its all said with love. i drew attention to the pool of blood that formed on your skin as you took the needle from your vien. oh... i'm sorry vanessa no one has a tissue... just wipe it off, lick it. cant do that? well...

can i lick that heroin tainted blood off for you, dear vanessa?

oh, and you offer your arm over to me so willingly. yummmy. it tastes almost as sweet as your personality.
They call me Truth a girl i know from work. Very simple with an extraordinary mind. 080404
what's it to you?
who go