realistic optimist anyone ever participate in one of these?
If so, what have you given / received?

this year, i received this:
smurfus rex we did secret santa at work last Christmas. The rules were that we could not spend more than $20 and we had to get at least one gift for each of four days. We also had to either leave clues about ourselves or select gifts that would suggest who the secret santa was.

I turned it into a treasure hunt. I got four bottles of Stewart's Root Beer from Borders (they have screw top caps) and drank them. I took some rough packing paper and a calligraphy pen and made little message scrolls to put in each bottle with directions to the other prizes. I got some costume jewelry and Mardi Gras beads from Dollar World and some foil covered chocolate coins for one prize. Then I got Treasure Island from Borders for another. Then I got the new animated Sinbad movie for the third (good deal at Suncoast). Finally, I burned a CD with very specific songs which turned out to be the one prize that ID'd me.

It was great. Now everyone wants me to be their secret santa next year.
realistic optimist i was so broke this year, and was distraught that perhaps i might not be able to afford a decent gift for the person about whom i knew nothing.

luckily, i placed in a six month quake tournament and won an gift certificate, with which i was able to purchase a gift for my secret santa (including shipping and gift wrapping) as well as an import album of mine which keeps getting lent out (sometimes involuntarily) from the_verve for myself! (:
jenny enny dots secret santa was the name of a total spammer on a message board i used to go to.

i gave my secret santa at work a book and a plant. i received a gift certificate for sephora.
what's it to you?
who go