* a_point_in_time *

kx21 ***
* "Rock"_"scissors"-"paper"

Lizards play rock-paper-scissors in the game of life
kookaburra this is what happens when the kook's brain wanders...

homework sux
a "point Some animals have been playing the rock-paper-scissors game long before our kids caught on," said Zamudio, a Cornell assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology.

The rules, she recalls, are: Sharp scissors cut the soft paper; hard rock dulls scissors; but paper, although softer, covers rock. Thus, success in the game depends on each player's strengths and weaknesses.
. April 15, 1996

Mating Games and Lizards

Smith, John Maynard. "The games lizards play." Nature, 380 (21 March 1996): 198-199.
a "point ***
* Biology, Chemistry, Physics & Math

The slippery gooiness
of biology is a consequence of its incredible complexity, consisting as it does of complex systems based upon chemistry. And chemistry obeys the rules of physics, which exists because of, and is consequently best described by, mathematics. Mathematics is the ur-fluid of Reality (gad, how poetic), and our symbollic attempts to represent mathematics have given us windows through which our mushy grey-matter can peer, and with which this same mushy grey-matter becomes altered, and we call this alteration understanding (a frequently generous appellation).
mp21k * The Mathematics of Human Life *

by William F. Allman | Jun 14 '93

From the shifts in weather to the flow of the ocean's currents to the pulsing of stars to the swings of the stock market, scientists have discovered a deep, underlying order to nature's ways. Now, researchers are finding that this quirky state of nature known as chaos also lurks within their own back yard: the human body itself.

The body is a whirling dervish of chaotic activity from head to toe. In several recently published papers, researchers report that
the brain's neurons fire in chaotic patterns as people shift into intense concentration, that the heart beats ......
An "amazing" newslink Phantom_words_and_other_curiosities 040905
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