SuicidalAngel Sometimes you're stoned ideas are better than your sober ones! America needs one big fat joint to chill the fuck out, then we can start to think about what we can do to reverse this culteral suicide. 021009
no reason why can't we not be sober? 021009
bethany and ya can never seem to find a peice of paper
or you forget by the time you're done laughing

but maybe they're just good coz you're stoned
that's my rationalization
Torch some friends of mine solved this problem by just tapeing the conversations we had when we were high 021009
bethany wow

's agast at how smart that is
merf by the time you get around to it you're usually far to lazy to find a tape recorder and start it at the right time 021010
SuicidalAngel But damn that would be funny! The first time I got high we wrote stuff down on paper but all we really said was "Dear Mr. MnM I love you! You are the best munchy to eat when I'm high. Except for the fact that I want to kill myself when I'm sober because I consumed enough calories for an adult cow in one year.".. except every other word was mispelled. 021117
no reason let's get the cat to take off her coat. 021206
... ideas_when_im_stoned occured reloads 050714
what's it to you?
who go