~gez~ i think its a good place for lots of hormonally charged teens to unload all that crap that fills up their mind. by the way, who is the oldest blatherer?
although hated i used to love blather since i could type random shit with the knowledge it was likely to be read at some point by someone somewhere. the other great thing was i wouldn't know who or where that person was
blather also makes for great education, before my introdiction i had never heard of the band 'the weakerthans', thanks to silentbob for that'un if i remember rightly

. blather is words. bunches of words, strewn about in a twisty tangly web of pontification, insight and nonsensical delight.
but really it's an experiment to see what shape this will take when left at your mercy. take a gander and let us know what you think.
alberteinstein blather is based on the chaos theory that although nonsensical on its face there maybe profound value in the message if writer is crazy enuf 050201
Dr. Dood Little I think it's the "t". It looks a bit spikey. 050201
sameolme Blather is a place for me to place my thoughts within easy reach of the
aliens. This way they don't have to use
the diamond laser drill to probe my mind. Blather has saved my skull.
sameolme By the way, I may be the oldest at 51. 050201
you know who blather_is_blather 050201
z blather is self evident 050201
z it is self fulfulfilling 050201
z it is self referential 050201
z it contradicts it's self 050201
z it's caught it's self in a recursive loop 050201
z sometimes it looks self loathing 050201
z it is a reflection of self and other 050201
z it is the penultimate do it yourself 050201
z it is it's self 050201
z it is also someone else's self 050201
z left to it's self it has become it's self 050201
dandy It's a nicotine patch without the trouble of a patch or prescription 050202
meta meta 051213
u24 but more importantly, what's the blather in point? 071027
u24 or should that be:

what's the blatherin' point?
margaux in miniver's & gez's blathes, as well as at the bottom of the page.

tee hee
m. response to " what's the blather in point"? 071028
ambermoon to blather is the point ... i think 090426
what's it to you?
who go