Dafremen Damn Titanic does it to me again. Soaking up the salt with my keyboard and thinking..

For some of us, there are people that come along who change our lives in ways that we could never have fathomed before we met them. People who take our lives and shape them into fantasies, refusing to leave us in the box they found us in. These are those who refuse to let us die a living death, but take our hands and pull us, with our without our consent, into life outside limits.

Just as my father pulled me out of that orphanage back in '78 and gave me hope, and as the missus pulled me from the brink of oblivion only 14 brief years ago..much as I refused to let her stay a slave to her fears and her insecurities, so do angels come along that touch our lives and free our spirits.

When someone like that comes along in your life, if you don't take the time to appreciate them before they are gone...that's on you.

I love you honey. I love you dad, and I hope that your life is just a little better for having taken a chance on me.

Thank you.
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