Spare Change Spare... to be merciful, or restained; extra; not lavish or abundant; to give.
Change... to make different; difference or variety; to modify; coinage.

Spare your change. Think about it.

niska so... it's somewhat like,
'offer me a choice' ?
Spare Change Be careful what you change, be generous with your differences, give freely of your wealth, whatever it may be. 031010
pipedream i loooooove the change you dig out from your sofa cushions and toss to us poor blather beggars; you are such a refreshing writer 031011
delial you put hope back in my heart with the things you write.

i looked around my room and discovered I had $101 I didn't realize I possessed. Large amounts of spare change are nice when the money situation seems to be going down the tubes. It's like a ray of light at the end of a tunnel, the end of which is five thousand miles /above/ you.
gwyllynne you rock!

please keep spewing forth your belly rumblings......

like a concubine's foot stomping in the sand....dancing round the fire.....please...please dance some more and never stop dancing
agreement totally atsodnunig 031119
. underrated. 040113
Death of a Rose just finished doing some stalking.

good stuff.
flowerock I'll spare change, in growth in love in humanity and kindness and compromise. I don't often spare monetary change anymore though. I've been houseless and jobless I've spanged and held a sign or gas can before... I know what they're up to... the sidewalk_warmers. Play some music, make me laugh, do something useful or entertaining! otherwise, no I cannot spare you any of my change. 140708
what's it to you?
who go