Bess Sondel once said that words can evoke any existent emotion: joy, sorrow, nostalgy, melancholy ... This is an almost hypnotic power and, thus words didn’t even need to be said, words brought us together and, once again, words brought me to you. Such beautiful world of words... My native language, the Portuguese, has an peculiar word in its vocabulary without which wouldn’t be possible the transposition of a particular emotion: “SAUDADE”. The uniqueness of “SAUDADE” doesn’t have semblance to any other word in any other language in the world. The French “solitude” and even esperanto’s “(re)sopiro” and “rememoro” are far, kilometers of distance, of the rich semantic used in Portuguese. But how can one define such emotion? SAUDADE is a feeling that must exist in the heart of all creatures and human beings, indifferently of its race or birth place in the world. Either poor, either rich, SAUDADES does not choose, does not discriminate, does not supplicate to become. It may come easily, it may come strongly, it may never come thus it always arrives when we less expect. SAUDADE is friend of the solitude, non-separable friend of the love, invisible visit of the friendship, sometimes pieces of passion, in many cases soft perfume of affective and tenderly moments. Warm regards from a Brazilian (full of SAUDADES) friend.
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mono no aware, sensucht. something. there are some things i can still only say to blather.
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le mot juste .
what's it to you?