Sonya I thought I was healed. They were never closed to begin with. Only in a world as unmerciful as this would kindness and integrity reopen healed wounds. The bleeding has started again, and this time I will wonder what I've done. Infatuation, attraction, devotion....l o v this the price we pay for such qualities of being human? I seek to apply bandage after bandage, knowing full well I might have to rip one off of someone else's wounds. I fear for them because I know what I am capable of, and also what they can do to me. They've opened my wounds, and they can heal them if I let them. Maybe I'll play the masochist this time... 020102
distorted tendencies re-opened again and again. 020102
silentbob salt 020102
unhinged never let heal
by ragged nails
they bleed
to let you pour
the salt
right in
hurt me
i'm begging you
the rusted razorblades
that don't come clean
lonely for the skin
they adore
hurt me
my heart arrested by
anything else
tarantula when it DOES happen i suppose it will be the humiliation because i'm doing it for imaginary demons.
what if i'm not masochistic?
okay, when i do it even though i'm doing it for you i am really just humiliating myself, oooh, but i ought to like that.
no reason i don't know how to deal with this anymore
there's just too much fucking salt
nom closed scars 051113
camille alizarin 051113
what's it to you?
who go