Joana. Skin burnt and blushed
From a day meandering through the light
Avoiding it, then returning
I walked in circles under one daunting thought
Pushing it away but always succumbing

Two sides of a leaf
Destinies that must quarrel with each
Leaving a sole one to the task
Of unfolding a story that is still not possessed

Skin burnt and blushed
From the days spent with one fate
Sun shining brightly and unmerciful
His neck, my lips, red
Indulging one another, succumbing always

Two sides of a leaf
The words that had soothed
Gluing together one tattered mind
And the voice and body now overtaking.
nick every decision flapping
palm trees in typhoon winds
my thoughts assail me

black stone surity tears at my hands
razor edges challenge my grasp
clinging to survival

whispered words from faint breath
a fluttering leaf
zero gravity

crystal turned slurry
befouled innocence
joy and sorrow indistinguishable

rending my mind
mashing my heart
tainting my soul

steel rains from above
a battlefield's lunar landscape
I command all sides

my sins known
I satisfy the fates
I lose everything

and I feel much better ... for now
E Schmal Last night, upon witnessing one of my nervous breakdowns, my mother realized that I need professional help. She suggested some form of medication, but I do not want to be subdued into happiness. 060610
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