Bizzar And Im running out of things to write about! NOOOOOOOO!!! 030322
cube Time for a sabbatical. Get out there and sample a bit more of life. Let us know what it's like when you gey back :-)
User24 reaching end of your creativity is impossible. (IMHO) 030326
Bizzar Yes trust me Ive realised that.

I was being sarcastic and dumb to entertain myself in a moment of blankness.
User24 yes, I am often misinterpreted when being sarcastic, you just can't get the tone right on blather, maybe we need a way of saying "insert-sarcastic-tone-here" 030330
Bizzar We could use the already overused internet abbreviations (lol, brb)

It could simply be: ISTH Insert Sarcastic Tone Here.

lol... Im no genious... but sometimes I even surprise myself. (ISTH)
User24 isth, yeah people will really understand what this abbreviation means!

est, I'm still going to use it anyway

(btw, est means "end sarcastic tone")
cube §§ Insert sarcastic comment here §§
Isn't that much better?
oldephebe shouldn't the context and verbiage used pretty much let the reader know what's going on? i'm thinking that if you can't devine that through the haze of diffracted and effete apprehension then you're pretty much screwed and on your own. Oh yeah! I really want to say I'm being totally non-sardonic..just needed to buff my sandpaper soul against something..(insert fake smile emoticon here) or not...
celestias shadow sometimes i get this feeling. it makes me incredibly nervous. what if, someday, i DO run out of ideas?

my life would be over
what's it to you?
who go