the sabbaticist sabbie when i grow up
i shall often take sabbaticals
like others take tonic
they will be good for my health
and make my skin glow
make my hair shine
and my teeth glint
they will cure my heart
and straighten my limbs.
i shall have them perscribed by doctors
and forever be just setting off again
or returning, only to set off once more.

i shall become addicted to them
craving them like the sweetest drug
but i will never grow haggard
or lank
or thin to the point of skeletal,
as i will forever be
looking after my health
by taking sabbaticals.

i will have an old, battered leather suitcase
filled to the brim with clothing
and trinkets.
i will not need
for anything more.
i will be constantly catching up with friends
who are on sabbaticals of their own,

and my passport will read
like an atlas
and i shall change my name,
and my profession shall read
and there will be
a picture of me
in glowing health
smiling for the all the world
like im on my next sabbatical
what's it to you?
who go