frAnk as a big fan of the story, i am sad to see it come to an end. what do you have planned next? 011112
fyn gula i'm happy to know people were reading it and found it interesting. thanks for the compliment. it means a lot to me. i have an idea in mind about a new story which should start soon. 011112
frAnk how much of marox pass was based on situations in your own life? 011113
fyn gula nearly all of it. anton, nabiscus, maylay, nimbia, and copello are all fragments of who i am. nylem is the ever present negative obstacle that is always threatening progress. copello's shutter addiction paralleled a problem i was having and helin's presence represented how the love of my family rescued me. 011114
frAnk i know you defined the marox pass a couple of times in the story, but can you do it here out of context? 011115
fyn gula we all possess the marox pass be it slippery, hanging by thin threads, or clutched firm as a handshake. we simply give it an original name.

the marox pass is that capacity to maintain the imperfect balance of giving versus receiving love. on one hand there can be the wanton insolence and arrogance resulting from excessive pride and passion. on the other, the surfeit of treasure in the recognition of
beauty. all of her delicate forms and lineage. hubris vs. aestheticism.
unhinged where did my marox pass go? 011115
fyn gula your marox pass has been stolen from you and i know how we can get it back. do you want me to help you find it? 011216
what's it to you?
who go