Norm This how my day consists.


This is how everyday of my week, excluding weekends, goes, on occasion drink well be placed elsewhere on the schedule. On weekends I find is where I usually get my sex with a random placement throughout the day. Example


Obviously weekends are the major opportunities for spontaneity. Of course, I also must take into account that when I become drunk there is many things which I do which aren't planned on, never the less... I am in a rut.
silentbob all i know is all we are 010906
minnesota_chris It seems like there are two kinds of time. There's the time where time passes quickly, and you spend your days befuddled, saying "wow, it's already July!" and you wonder where the time went.

There's the second kind of time, which usually happens while traveling to new places, when you form lots of new memories, and time passes slowly. Friday seems an eternity ago.

I think that time, in our brains, is measured in memories. When our days are packed full of new experiences, the days stretch on forever. When we're in a rut, doing nothing new, we slip quickly towards our death.
unhinged i find time to be the other way for me; slow in pain and quick in happiness, newness.

i'm trying my best to get out of it, but that old stupid naggy voice in my head is yet again trying to convince me it's useless. i'm better at positive and perserverence lately though.
OldHippster Life's just Groovy! 080724
nine inch nails every_day_is_exactly_the_same 080724
three words thunder i'm_in_a_rut cranial 100622
what's it to you?
who go