hitchhiker p2 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
aka hhgg
aka hhgttg
aka h2g2

written by Douglas Adams

started off as a radio series
on the BBC

a trilogy in five parts:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Life, the Universe, and Everything
So Long, and Thanks for the Fish
Mostly Harmless
Faldor Hendon it was cool at the time but in hindsight it was all a load of rubbish 041120
u24 bugger off! it's fuckin' fantastic! 041122
birdmad channeling Oolon Colluphid having seen a teaser in the theater this week, i am unsure whether to be overjoyed or afraid of the impending movie version 041122
u24 impending movie version? hmm... there was a TV series, but as I remember that really -was- poor.. 050120
p2 http://www.hitchhikersmovie.com/ 050216
.nom when he phoned that day and thanked me for
helping with the food and everything and
he said he hoped and i wanted to mention
but i didn't because i just felt strange
p2 there's a better trailer
on amazon.com
z for a few minutes nothing happened. nothing continued to happen for a few more minutes. 050216
mikejohnson wishes he were a babelfish 050216
() (i am afraid it will be disney, not adams) 050312
z not adams. 050430
mt from the snippets from the trailer, arthur is a hero, and trillian is a love interest, and zaphod is an insipid surfer dude. lord help us. arthur a HERO? he can barely tie his own shoelaces. and the point was never to save the galaxy; they were always just kind of dealing with what happened. and zaphod's whims. 050501
mt o, and u24, the bbc tv series RAWKED. :P you just can't appreciate good brit tele shows. us yanks don't get good stuff like that: it's all reality tv and drama-filled miniseries. i swear they did midnight raids on dr who sets. 050501
once again it wasn't awful. Not great. But watchable... and amusing. It had the Douglas Touch in some places... although the opening was terrifying and I can almost believe He did it to scare us. 050502
z most of the philosophical material was subsumed by the slapstick. adaptation and streamlining made for lost content and new scenes. it was entertaining, but not adams. 050502
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