The Truth This is another one of those advice forums...
Ask me a question...
and I'll tell you the truth.

Why does my life suck so bad?
-sucky life
The Truth Well, Sucky Life,
The reason your life sucks so bad is because you believe that it does. At some point you've chosen to accept the fact that your life sucks. You didn't disclose any reasons WHY you think your life sucks, but I guarantee you that if you have the luxury of wasting your time on this website, things could be worse.

You see... If you look for things that will go wrong, you WILL find them. It's not your fault, you've only made habits of the way you think, which can be changed.

because... The opposite is true too, If you look for positive things, things that go right, your way, you WILL find them!
And your brain doesn't care if you make good habits or bad habits, it just makes's up to you to make the right choice of habbit.

So try looking for only good things...point them out silently to yourself. Notice things that you find enjoyable. (It takes 21 days to make or break a habbit (they say))

Then you'll notice how beautiful your life really is, once you teach yourself to look at it right.

Dear The Truth,

Are all of your anwers long?
The Truth No. 010524
j_blue good answer

here's one

whats up? dont say the sky, dont say this guy, but can you kiss the sky?
The Truth What's up j_blue.

Yes, I can kiss the sky, but only when I'm down on my knees.

watch... *smooch* see! I just did it!

If you want to, you can kiss the sky too...(really, I don't mind!)
what's it to you?
who go