no reason FUCK.

i don't think i'm destined to get my stupid highway-class driver's licence. there's always some problem. this time, it was because of a tiny, almost invisible, little crack in the windshield that apparently "wasn't safe" for them to take me on the highway with. it's not even a fucking crack, it's just a little scrape... PROBably why no tester has ever said anything about it before. ugh...i was so mad...this is the third fucking time...doesn't help that you don't get another test booking for another three months. or that my licence expires in april.
i hope the person who took the test in my place got you in a crash that broke much more than the windshield.

ok, fine, i guess i don't. but it was satisfying to type.

endless desire well, did you ever get your highway whatever license? 030531
no reason no, the next test's in july 030601
endless desire oh.
good luck
do tell how it goes
niska i failed my first time...

i went to a different city and did the test there.

i passed.
no reason i passed! wahoo!

i was pretty sure i had failed.

no more tests til i'm 80!!
endless desire good for you no reason.
that seems strange to say.
no reason :)
it does.
thank you endless desire.
falling_alone i feel like an ass
especially since every one knew i was to take it this morning,
and i failed
for not completely stopping at the "stop" sign.
well, I thought i was stopped, apparently not.
so much for perfect parallel parking.
what's it to you?
who go