pipers sad :(

what'll i do without you?
im_what_willis_was_talkin_bout is he actually going?? im kinda confused 040426
Doar Never actually saw this before.

Sorry. Blather has tentacles always reaching beyond it's actual stretch.

Explanation: Figure it out.

Background: Dark forest. Winter reborn. Gnarled trees covered in glaring ice.

Lighting: Moon goddess.

Protagonist: Snow fox.

.... More to continue.

Doar the wind wasn't right this day. it placed itself ackwardly among us. flags shifted once to the left, and then twice to right. and stood straight up at one point. I felt it crawl along my right leg, just a whisper of some hairs slipping or adjusting, but in all that chaos, it was just still a whisper upon my leg and mind.

when I arrived, all was still before the ragged crowd that had gathered, but that slippery wind crawling up my leg, balls, and back persisted.
Doar ...of course it wasn't the breeze you might feel or encounter during a not exactly legal venture during this night. Fuck...this could have been another...but it WAS this night.

It had to be. I had seen the shade scarcly performed by the hare escaping from the sun, when the snow fox come padding behind it, confident it the pursuit. But somehow tired by it.

what's it to you?
who go