starjewel My life is a whirl pool
Cause I went against the tide
I'm waving my arms, not quite drowning
Just trying to survive

My friends are standing on the shore
Not wanting to get their feet wet
But wishing that they could do more

But I know how to swim
And their trusting I can stay a float
But I'm caught in the under toe, that's him
And he's my only hope.

The ocean's deep
A vast abyss never ending
But I can see past
It's waves ever ebbing and bending

It's cold in here
But the beach is too hot
That was a splash of salt water not a tear
And you're the only friends I've got

But I know how to swim
And you're trusting I can stay a float
But I'm caught in the under toe, that's him
And he's my only hope.

So let me go
Wade this one out
I'll be back sooner than you know
Rising above your waves of doubt.

Don't send a life raft
I won't get in
Just stay where you are and let it pass
I'll just hang on and let the whirl pool spin

You know I know how to swim
You've got to trust me to stay a float
I'm caught in the under toe, and it's him
And all you can do is have hope.
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