The return of The Undead Critic i was trying to explain it to one of my sisters but she wasn't getting it, too willing to simply skim the context of the sentence i had uttered

(we were talking about that cinematic montrosity called "the divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood")

"don't get me wrong," i said, there are plenty of good "chick flicks" out there, but if there's one thing i think has been done to death is the chick flick set specifically in the American South

after Terms of Endearment and Steel Magnolias, you're beating a dead horse.

It's the same reazon i can't watch many of these attempts at heartfelt "father-son" dramas either. the parent-child dynamic and how these two seeminly opposite, adversarial creatures come to realize that they are really more alike than they want to admit is just a really played out variation on a theme

i saw the trailers to "ya-ya" and knew by what i saw that i had already seen this movie at least three or four times before.

if i'm going to watch something with the chick-flick vibe attached to it, i'll take a good romance over another re-hashing of the mother-daughter "i'm tellin' y'all, she's a crazy bitch / no SHE's a crazy bitch - aww, isn't-that-something-i-guess-we're-both-crazy bitches-let's-all-have-a-big-group-hug-now"

example, great tragic period piece romance: Swept_From_The_Sea (1997? - Rachel Weisz, Vincent Perez, Cathy Bates and Ian McKellen)
The Undead Critic Of course, sis just interpreted this as "i hate chick flicks"

what's it to you?
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