amy the only seminars that make me cry are the ones on global warming. the current data- not the projected model data- is so scary, it implies such a huge risk to maybe our generation, maybe the next one, but certainly the one after that, that i am appalled, along with every scientist in the room.
the politics/science are such that there is nothing, now, that we can do to stop it... but we can try to stop making it worse, by making major changes to the way we consume, the position of the U.S. government (Congress will not even CONSIDER ratifying the the Kyoto Protocol, and the Kyoto Protocol is so weak it makes me want to puke), and the way the third world countries are "allowed" to develop. we won't know what the consequences of any action, good or bad, until 100 years from now when the CO2 has cycled all the way through the atmosphere and into the land/ocean.
so, what would i give? does one fight with all their energy a losing battle? how do i know that i will not spend my days in total frustration and contempt for most the other people in this country? am i really together enough to devote myself to causes? should i read that book you told me about?
typhoid are we dead yet?
are we dead yet?
are we dead yet?
not by a long shot.
adaptation. evolution.
we'll see.
what's it to you?
who go