CrAzYpInKmOnKeY under your clothes is something
i want
and you know this but you tease me
keeping them on good god
go somewhere to take them off
no your doin this on pupose to
me all up dammit dammit dammit
megan is a fairytale 030628
captain_subtext take off your clothes and let your buttons scatter around like tears 050826
danny you're as naked as I am
summer or winter

and under that
behind the insecurity
force field that can ping
back a battleship

we're both naked that way too.
unhinged fancy lacy underwear


underwear with sayings on the butt
today my underwear say jungle boogie
jungle in the back
boogie in the front
but i always thought that was backwards
jane there's this naked person trying to get out. 090227
unhinged one of the benefits of living alone:
i can walk around in various states of undress
as much as i want
jane also a benefit of understanding roommates 090227
birdmad unless oneis a dude with an overabundance of young cats, wherein dangly bits are dangerously vulnerable to sudden pounces

( i learned this lesson about 20 years ago when a former girlfriend's cat provided me with a rude and painful awakening when a moment of blanket hogging on her part left me exposed at the same time as her cat emerged from under the bed...CAT-a-pult, anyone?...that memory still makes me wince)
unhinged my last roommate was very prude and also 'liked' me. i tried my hardest not to make it worse for him. 090227
In_Bloom Where all things are possible 090227
what's it to you?
who go