Teenage Jesus I heard this old man talking about the terrible "sonoma" that killed so many people. It took me a few minutes to grok that he was talking about the tsunami. 041231
camille a tsunami expert would
have had the technology in place
in that part of the world
to detect beforehand what was coming..

of course i could be wrong..
a tsunami expert might just know how a tsunami occurs...plates shifting across the table of the ocean

OOps... * Animal_vs_Human *

" No elephants are dead," 041231
Teenage Jesus plus...a tsunami expert might actually know how to correctly pronounce the word "tsunami" 041231
dandy K, accent is accent and expertise is another. Passion attack, not smack to ya. Never saw the clip.

A few for instances to put out there, so how do you say film? one syllable or two? tree? with the t against your teeth or palate? do you make it sound like chreeee? what about drawer? as drooow yer? jrawr? drarar? ptarmigan. can you say it? would you recognize one? You are a French an ornithologist. Would you be able to explain it in russian with the correct word stress and phoneme set? If not are you still an authority?
Teenage Jesus This wasn't actually a question of pronunciation; there was just this loud mouth know-it-ll type of guy (perhaps you've encountered the type,) who happened to be about 85 or 90 years old, and he kept using the wrong word, "sonoma." It was interesting to me b/c sonoma brings to mind thoughts of the American southwest, the desert, dryness, etc...quite the opposite of a tsunami.

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