reitoei hello?
this is the toaster

yes the toaster. that innocent kitchen appliance with unlimited potential for a built in answering machine. but no more. the toaster is dead now. damn capitalism
boo hoo the toaster had two mouths.

it's gone now.

boo hoo
Microwave oh come on, puhleaze, you know the toaster was giving it to the blender on the save your boo hoos for me

always there for you.
sabbie in my old, old house
so i hung it by it's cord
from the pay tv dish sticking out of the wall
outside the front door.

it swayed gently in the wind
like a criminal on the rope
and when it rained
the water dripped through
like tears

a silent ode
to breakfasts past

i called it Madmartigan
ferret hello?
this is the coaster

less the coaster. that instrument kitten appliance with untitled
professional more a silt in answering washing. what no whore. the coaster is red how? damn capitalization

-ferret's modificatoins inc.
pipedream hahahahha ferret lolol

my condolences. i'm sure it went to toaster heaven, even if it *was* messing around with the blender. electrons get the best o' ya sometimes.
ferret why thank you

*gripe mean*

ferret's modifications inc.
pipedream/gripe mean/pvcpillow gripe mean!
another one for the repertoire, mbwahaha!

*laughs manically and hops off on a pogo stick*
white_wave my toaster oven has smoking floating out of it. and it's not cuz the toast was in for too long. it starts the moment i put something in. and it doesn't "ding" when it's done. you have to glance over every once in a while to make sure your food isn't burning... 040321
lola It served its purpose well. His life was a constant work. Let him res in peac 051119
what's it to you?
who go