raze the people who only live when i'm asleep tend to have interesting names when i'm lucky enough to learn them.

the latest: biscrowe hughes.
epitome of incomprehensibility That sounds like a second cousin of Benedict Cumberbatch!

Now I want some British-sounding dream names. I haven't had any lately, not that I remember, but my half_asleep_thoughts gave my grandmother a fake Polish surname. Kuwarnowska isn't an actual name, I looked it up, but the w's were pronounced Polishly (ku-var-NOV-ska) and the -ska ending is appropriately feminine.

And most lately I encountered the Zaplinksky couple, who went on a date for three and a half years (how was "date" defined? my half_asleep_thoughts didn't tell me). Curious, I looked up the name, and there was a Henry Zaplinsky in the 1940 U.S. census, born in Poland "abt 1881."
e_o_i edits *Zaplinksy (no extra "k") 240830
raze elizabeth stasko. 240905
e_o_i Between when the damn airplane woke me up and when I was actually ready to wake up, my half_asleep_thoughts gave me "Jean Miely" - the first name pronounced as in French, the last name pronounced "mealy." 240906
raze david bromison. 240907
raze erotica thavineau. 240908
raze amanita amatiero. 240909
raze kelly cola. 240910
e_o_i (Okay, I need to give these people places and professions:
1. American weather reporter
2. pseudonym of a Quebecoise porn actor
3. pseudonym of an avant-garde Macedonian techno singer
4. satirical puppet voiced by an American comedian; the puppet is made of pink felt and has a muppet-like mouth)
raze (you're officially in charge of providing backstories for all my random dream characters now. that's just too good.) 240910
raze marcel bacon. 240913
raze follecio collano. 240917
raze gabriel lightman. 240919
raze mary rothstein. 240925
raze kate barker. 240926
raze goddess barnelle. 240927
e_o_i Madeleine Vadeleine 240927
raze vonda radnu. 241003
raze goodson david.

(seems a bit backwards, no?)
raze owena rowan noland. 241011
raze rhonda robinson. 241012
raze tom sarter. 241013
raze rochie rovel. 241020
e_o_i The Callabrin, a hotel chain. See dream_travel. 241023
e_o_i (I forgot about giving raze's dream names places and professions! Mea culpa.

Poor neglected Elizabeth Stasko is a professor in Ontario. She looks like an English teacher, grey-haired and soft and round, but she's doing something highly scientific and technical that I wouldn't understand.

Marcel Bacon isn't a person but a restaurant in Montreal. It's French. There is bacon. The exterior has a signature art style, not quite as slapdash as that of Patty Slaps and not quite as polished as La Belle et Le Boeuf. Perhaps with a homage to the creepier art of Francis Bacon for Halloween.

Follecio Collano is an American wrestler with a Spanish background but an Italian stage name. He did the professional wrestling circuit for a while before real injuries caused him to go into graphic design. He hasn't found riches or fame, but he's content, mostly.

Gabriel Lightman manages a truck stop in Calgary. He sees all sorts. Tolerant of various weirdnesses, he nevertheless dislikes his own fondness for fluorescent-coloured slushie drinks. It's childish, he thinks. He's almost fifty.

Mary Rothstein is a painter from the U.K. She lives in Canada now but won't tell me where.

Kate Barker would think it funny if I called her a dog-walker, but she's really another British painter. She's stayed in and around Coventry most of her life.

Goddess Barnelle is a singer and composer from Fiji, mixing traditional and contemporary music styles.

That's all I've got for now!)
raze ::: thunderous applause ::: 241024
e_o_i Hey thanks!

I don't remember the rest of the dream I had last night, but in it, "Callaxcan" was the name of a chicken dish.
raze ellie butler. 241101
raze cyrus meadows. 241102
raze tom billingson. 241111
raze amy jennel. 241116
raze tom orthodox. 241120
raze dr. yorbode. 241122
raze lauren dupont. 241128
raze pontifo serrero. 241206
e_o_i "Latsumi" is a method of education.

"Dariu" a town in Europe. I'm not sure whether it's Germany or Romania - I feel like it's the location of some battle - but I know it's in Europe because I'm paying the bus fare in Euros.

(The battle part: I think my dream_mind incorporated Ukraine's Mariupol.)
raze jill day. 241215
raze tussy a'fo. 241216
e_o_i This batch of raze's dream_names belong to artists, I've arbitrarily decided. Everyone is an artist sometimes, but specifically:

Goodson David was a New York jazz pianist who knew poet Langston Hughes, only he never achieved the same fame;

Owena Rowan Noland is a New Zealand author who writes fantasy books for children and teenagers;

Rhonda Robinson was in a London rock band in the '80s with big hair and attitude - now retired from that, she's a portrait painter in Salisbury;

Tom Sarter is a reclusive American short-story writer;

Rochie Rovel is another short-story writer, born in Burundi and living in Belgium with his politician wife who's more famous than he is, but that's okay because he's also low-key reclusive.
e_o_i edits *belongs (I think; subject-verb agreement doesn't always likes me) 241217
e_o_i edits again also, I like how Rhonda Robinson has retired from attitude; I don't want to retire from attitude, but to each their own 241217
raze sharketta is not, as you might imagine, an anthropomorphic shark, but rather a university student who dabbles in activism. she just happens to have an unusual name.

(also, now you've got me wishing some of these fleeting dream people were *real*, e_o_i, if_only so i could read their books.)
raze dr. johnson.

(way to dig deep for that one, dream_mind)
e_o_i (raze, I didn't notice that, but yup, apparently I think a lot of names sound like writer names! Particularly "Owena Rowan Noland" - the three-piece parcel gives Zilpha Keatley Snyder or Zora Neale Hurston vibes, while the vowel beginning sounds more Celtic or Oceanic than American. Je ne sais pas pourquoi!)

My dream last night had a man called Caleb and a woman called Rachel, who didn't seem like either Rachel I know in real life.

Caleb's brother was in a band called The Doorman (probable source: reading about a Gazette reporter reviewing a concert by The Doors).
raze alina stroud.

this one actually has a built-in backstory for a change. she's a teenager being treated for vocal nodules on a medical reality show, and during her stay in the hospital she has a meet_cute with her favourite singer.
e_o_i Technically from some more_half_asleep_thoughts, but

1) Orrick Graham is an imaginary someone and
2) Amy Winehouse has morphed into Amy Winehood. She resurrects to release a new album, only for the country of Australia to say vaguely snarky things about it.
raze burt bonanza. 250121
raze day strangen. 250122
raze grant noland. 250202
raze gertfreid freig far. 250218
raze alison alemium. 250221
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