epitome of incomprehensibility I didn't like when this Montreal paper was bought up by the National Post. That acquisition meant cutting out local writers for bigger names already published in other cases. Their analyses and opinion articles generally slanted right - and not in the sense of correct. But I'm no professor_of_political_geometry; my biggest gripe was that they slanted distant. Shouldn't a local paper be local as well as international? hire writers from the place where it's based? diverse voices too, diverse sets of articles? I'm a dinosaur, but where's David Bird who used to write about birds?? (Probably retired, birds being dinosaurs too.)

Still, there are a couple of local reporters hanging on and worth reading: one who started in the last few years is Allison Hanes, who did a great in-depth piece on Project_Chance...

...and now a shorter one about the 7th anniversary of the Quebec City mosque murders, about a vigil held downtown yesterday. If I wanted to be picky, it doesn't have the same literary quality as the longer piece - but journalism doesn't always give you wiggle room in terms of time and space. As for space, I don't know how she managed to tie so many things into one article, but she did and it made sense.

I was aware of the anniversary on the 29th but I guess the Memorial and memorial things on the weekend drained me and I didn't want to hear more of the similar. But I was glad Hanes covered it.

Besides the anniversary, there were a couple of things like this (less snarky in tone):

-You know this shit isn't new: remember when Polytechnique became a name that people outside Quebec knew about? and not for good reasons?

-And just FYI: Jewish Montrealers aren't automatically the government of Israel, and Muslim ones aren't suddenly the leaders of Hamas. I know, shocker. Don't terrorize random people.

(Related-ish: a YouTube channel called Dead Domain touched on the fact that white supremacists were using the war to push their own agendas: I put some of (his/their?) fact-checking tips on YouTube_wisdom.)

This is so tiring, though. I don't know how anyone can be a journalist.
e_o_i ("cases" at the end of the first sentence should be "papers") 240130
e_o_i attempts editing (it's actually the second sentence, gah) 240130
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