kingsuperspecial I just wanted to point out that I'm an incurable smart ass and should be ignored.

and I have a lot of respect for the truth, which probably doesn't show in the way I respond in my blathers. keep it up, truthy - without you, we wouldn't know just how much god loves us, pants or no pants

also, I shaved my nipples

over and out.
baby satan your nipple hairs will make someone a nice christmas present, i think. 010723
Dafremen Your attempt at making amends is noted.
You will be contacted shortly by a member of your local chapter.

GrandPooBa I.S. Lodge #1111
Roger Dafremen
kingsuperspecial oh, shit - busted!

hey, I was just trying to lull him into a false sense of security, so we could hog tie him and put leeches down his FTL's. Really!

:: hopes he doesn't get kicked out of the posse ::
Tjousk you confuse me 011107
unhinged i like the twinkle i know i get in my eye 011107
she better than a dumbass. 020130
niska ..i am 040114
june i know, there seems to be no singular, as if everyone were really apart of the same source or unit.
a unified consciousness, you all speak for one, right?
well see, angry at one angry at all.
taintedluv as above, so below....we are part of the divine if we wish to be 040127
what's it to you?
who go