armfish i do. 021231
strongarmfish fucking armfish?


can you tell what i've been up to?
call_me_lydea sometimes I feel like I love everybody. I walk around sending out rays. No one could say anything to me to take it away...it's how I know the fall is coming. Once you release all your love on people, your exhausted and have to recuperate 030101
minnesota_chris lydea, if I ever meet you walking down the sidewalk, I'm going to give you a big sloppy kiss! 030101
specialk your right!! The fall really makes me have that "i love EVERYBODY" attitude too! and i DO love everybody... even those people who seem to hate me for no reason at all... like around Christmas time, i give EVERYONE i come in contact with a little gift (even if it's just a little bag of christmas cookies) i still think it brings a smile to their face! I love people!! especially the people at blather!


cherise i made the realization not too long ago, but i do love everybody.
i love the mean people because i want to be as cool and unreachable as they are.
i love the sweet, friendly people because it's impossible not to.
i love all the awkward people and all the people who have it together and the .. yeah. everybody. like the subject says.
DaMon. :) The most optimistic Blather page I've come across so far.
Grow, grow, grow little child. Grow well.
puredream I love everybody.

It's really hard sometimes. But I do it anyways. Well sometimes I don't think I do but someone will always confirm that I do infact love everyone.
what's it to you?
who go