dafremen (More Than Flesh Would Be)

I have waited as long as you have
For this chance at life
I am your flesh
As you are mine
Once as one within the Earth
Soon, we will be again
You..me..and everything

Do not hurt me
I meant no harm
And if I've hurt you
It was wrong
To let those moments have their way
I offer up my shame
Whatever harm I've done
Was born of ignorance and pain
Not understanding what I did
Unaware of who it is you are
Not knowing anything

Steeped in dust down to the bone
This material condition consumes its own
Much as the ground from which we come
Devours what cannot get away
Behold the industry of instinct
Taking for consumption's sake
Feeding incessantly
Surging toward the light of day
Animal urges held at bay within these fleshy walls
Mark the genesis of Satan from the dirt within us all
Unto the grave
Gathering what can't and can escape
You, me and everything

We are better than this
We are so much more than flesh would be
Gifted and sentient
Love with honor, empathy
Compassion laced with a hint of sugar
Tear-stained heartfelt get well letter
Custom trimmed with random acts of tenderness
We are the truly blessed
So alive and very blessed indeed
You me and everything.
what's it to you?
who go