Pto How are you tonight? 060830
LS You've got an inquisitor, Sister. Watch out for the hot irons! 060830
burned b4 hes known for 'em too 060830
Pto Let's see how many people we can get to blathe here before the Woman of the Blathe arrives. 060830
sameolme She might be just a figment tree of the
collective coniferousness.
|- i'll believe that when she says, "i_am_not_a_cactus". 060831
misstree but how do *i* know i'm not a cactus? i have spikes often enough. i'm reminded of an old song: "i'm a little teapot, short and stout. here is my handle, here is my... other handle... oh. i guess i'm a sugar bowl."

and tonight in particular i am doing especially well. old patterns have crumbled unnoticed and (nearly) painlessly while i hibernated, and while the openness of future possibility could be frightening, it is glad change from the known horrors of spirals wound down to their center. i am not drunk, though i could have been. i have not harmed, nor even taken a measure of flesh, though it was offered. i am, at this very moment, wise and brave and happy and free, and know that at least some scrap of that will continue. holly_loo_yah. ramen. i am one damned blissful figment, i tell you what.

how are you tonight, blather?
LS Blather is as Blather does, my Sister. 060831
Lemon_Soda Welcome back.

REAListic optimIST thanks for sharing some tree with me lately. i missed me some tree. 070605
misstree i miss some tree too. but the new improved tree v23 is being debugged, and should hit the shelves with all the functionality of a microsoft product any day now.

on better thought, maybe i should do some more quality control...
what's it to you?
who go