. Any idea how to unblock the stopper placed upon the "bytchez" page? Someone who fancies themselves a censor has blathed blockingly, and with a clear intent to squash the liberties of other skites to blathe under any word they choose. It's disappointing, surely. Perhaps that person was reared in a place without free speech, which would explain their gross disrespect for it. 070808
Question man I can fix them. It's easy see: bytchez now. 070809
dos Have you left us? What have we done to forsake thee, oh long-term blatherer?

You haven't written since i_am_writing_for a month ago now. Unless you have some other blatherdenity that I don't know.
Cleopatra pass the bottle !
god i'm not playing this game with this lot, next time i get the bottle i will throw it in the middle of the circle!

i will sit under a little fig tree and pretend to be Cleopatra,
one man wouldn't even sit under a mango tree with me, i mean what the hell is wrong with doing that, why would they think you are weird ?
. I'd still prefer u24 did it because Q man you only partially fixed it; there are errors on the page and blathes which can be viewed in the source that are not showing up on the page. I.e. that posted by "Proudly Maturer". 070809
what's it to you?
who go