kookaburra because i know im not the only one 040406
pete i do.. i blather whenever it comes to me. strange enough, i havent written any pen on paper poems recently... maybe a coincidence? probaly not 040406
soulesswanderer me 040406
strawberryxgash and me 040406
delial while I don't blather much, I read it most at night. and it seems i find more gems the later it gets.. 040406
realistic optimist a good way to let loose and get it out before i wrestle my pillow for rights to the sandman. 040406
u24 used to when I had net access @ home. 040407
magicforest me 040407
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl me too.
the only reason i'm blathering in the day right now is because i'm down at a library, i cant go on my internet during the day, so it's not like i have a choice.
plus, it's easter holidays, so what else am i supposed to do?
z i am also nocturnal 040407
werewolf well when i'm done consuming the blood of the living and the sun still hasn't come up yet, i try to make time. 040407
pobodys nerfect *hands the hungry looking werewolf a very bloody mary* ;)
I feel I'm at my most nerfectness in the evening hours.
kookaburra im here, where are you?

"she stared alone into the sunset"
meta meta 051213
In_Bloom cannot sleep until the wee hours of morning. 081031
meta meta 090313
haHA blathes. the word is blathes. 090313
BnB I'm usually busy during the day, so I tend to blathe at night. 090313
what's it to you?
who go