Strideo "Regardless of what you have heard, "irregardless" is a redundancy. The suffix "-less" on the end of the word already makes the word negative. It doesn't need the negative prefix "ir-" added to make it even more negative."
mon this sounds a lot like a word i thought up the other day
but forgot to write down

is diggin this word
blah sometimes things need to be expressed as even more so negative 030902
Strideo "sometimes things need to be expressed as even more so negative"


"Sometimes things need to be expressed more negatively." perhaps?

look, i don't allways have perfect grammer myself, but what do you mean?
are you defending the use of the "word" irregardless? anyhow, i don't really care that much about being the grammer police.
somebody It is what it is you don't have to like it irregardless of your opinion. 030903
somebody2 grammar asshole grammar 030903
Strideo "It's amazing how many people write to thank me for helping them with their "grammer." It's "grammar." The word is often incorrectly used to label patterns of spelling and usage that have nothing to do with the structure of language, the proper subject of grammar in the most conservative sense. Not all bad writing is due to bad grammar."

he he
unhinged 'dude you just said irregardless'

'yeah so?'

'that's not a word dude. look it up in the dictionary and it's not there.'

'what the hell are you talking about?' mass stoned confusion

'regardless means without regard right?'


'and the suffix ir- means without right?'


'so it's redundant and it's not a word and you just said it...'

'yeah, i get it now.'
Strideo earregardless
Death of a Rose irregardless, has anyone seen somebody?
ha ha
Clara Fication A suffix follows a_word. 100522
what's it to you?
who go