Whitewash in the 21st century

around_and_across Freedom_and_Democracy

in the Circle_of_Concern of Human_Spaces
What_Bush_said * War_President *

"Although we have not found stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction,

we were right to go into Iraq,"
What_Blair_said * War_Promoter *

"No one lied, no one made up the intelligence, no one inserted things into dossier against the advice of intelligence services,"
UNs former chief weapons inspector

Dr Hans Blix, the UN's former chief weapons inspector:

'the government had "hyped" Iraq's weapons capability in its September 2002 dossier.'


He told BBC's Hardtalk programme: "I think it was a spin that was not acceptable

"They put exclamation marks where there had been question marks and I think that is hyping"

Dr Hans Blix
Former foreign secretary Robin Cook * Butler_report *

"This must be the most embarrassing failure in the history of British intelligence,"

"Yet according to Butler, no one is to blame. Everybody behaved perfectly and nobody made a mistake. "
2 hours 10 minutes ago http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/afp/20040715/wl_mideast_afp/iraq_britain_weapons_040715101115&e=5

Britain wonders why no-one is blamed for Iraq intelligence failures
a "Point" Flaws Cited in Powell's U.N. Speech on Iraq

Thu Jul 15, 7:55 AM ET

WASHINGTON ¡ª Days before Secretary of State Colin L. Powell was to present the case for war with Iraq to the United Nations, State Department analysts found dozens of factual problems in drafts of his speech,according to new documents contained in the Senate report on intelligence failures released last week.

Although Powell has said he struggled to ensure that all of his arguments were sound and backed by intelligence from several sources, it nonetheless became a key example of

how the administration advanced false claims to justify war.
. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=2026&ncid=716&e=26&u=/latimests/20040715/ts_latimes/flawscitedinpowellsunspeechoniraq 040715
An "amazing" newslink ***
* The_Images_of_Americans

Three of Four Bush Supporters Still Believe in Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction, al Qaeda Ties
22 Oct 2004 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/oneworld/20041022/wl_oneworld/4536965431098444910&cid=655&ncid=1473 041022
a "point" Kull, who has been analyzing U.S. public opinion on foreign-policy issues for two decades, said

misperceptions of Bush supporters showed, if anything, that hold that the president has over his loyalists.

The roots of the Bush supporters’ resistance to information very likely lie in the traumatic experience of 9/11 and equally into the near pitch-perfect leadership that President Bush showed in its immediate wake,”

This appears to have created a powerful bond between Bush and his supporters – and an idealized image of the President that makes it difficult for his supporters to imagine that he could have made incorrect judgments before the war..."
WMD "Weapon_of_Mass_Deception" 041022
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