one who knows
take a look at the voices in mainstream music right now, just for fun. let's examine a few of the most prominent groupings. - some preachy guys trying to imitate eddy vedder (including, but not nearly limited to, scott stapp and alex band) - the unlucky few straining in vain for some kind of kurt cobain/layne staley hybrid (wes scantlin, brett scallions, chad kroeger) - the dave matthews clones (john mayer, chris martin) - those who are just simply shitty and defy description, like garrity (who sounds like a dying duck having an orgasm), britney spears and pink (ever hear them sing LIVE? it's pretty terrifying. pink is far worse live, though) and christina aguilera who, for all of her trills and vocal gymnastics, couldn't sit on a single note for two seconds if her life depended on it. and we won't even get into the bands that claim to be influenced by jeff buckley but lack the talent or originality to justify any comparisons(coldplay, travis and starsailor--who took their name from a tim buckley album that probably none of you will know anything about, but in no way deserves to be linked with their middle-of-the-outhouse commercial bile that owes more to a soul-less jeff). the point is, there is very little of anything remotely good or original happening in music right now. but, if hollow, sugar-coated ear candy does it for you, rejoice! thus ends my rant.
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Andrew Sier
Given the alternative of having a bunch of intellectual poseurs (pardon my redundancy) rape me with their ideals, I think I'd rather just burn and be done with it.
what's it to you?