
frightened, yes, by the chance of your refusal to play the part in my life i so desperately wish you would, i remain silent. it's twice now, I've fallen this hard. so intense i can't do anything to divert my attention from your eyes or your words. i've done everything in my power to please you & all that's left is a complete surrender to you. already i know that's totally impossible. i don't think i could do that for anyone. we share random moments here & there, left off & picked up in spare moments of boredom just to liven things up. i will be the first to admit how ridiculous it is, although i must also be aware of the fact that you may not view this as i do. to you, perhaps, it's good times with a good friend. very good indeed.

copyright 2000
Spare Change We are not one, but always two. The immovable object and the irresistable force. We are seperate but equal, two and the same. You'll never own me I'm just too stong and I'll never subjugate you, it can't be done. We'll never be one and we'll never change. You and me, we're two and the same. 031026
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