realistic optimist We have a choice.
We can choose
To sing the blues
That we’re not enthused
about someone who’s
likely to schmooze
abuse or misuse
the crews
of mes and yous
who choose
to pay our dues,
tho we’re battered
and bruised
from hearing the news
of how taxes were used
to finance the coups
we now must defuse.

We have a choice.
We can choose
To be confined
To Reds or Blues
And thereby make
Ourselves infused
With the two party ruse.
Each side pursues
Different paths
To same truths.
But we reduce
Spectrums of hues
To ones or twos.
If one is whom
We would recuse
The candidate who
Is left can cruise
Into office and eschews
Further reviews.
This dichotomy ensues
And threatens to suffuse
The sources of news
Which will accuse
The voters whose
Third party views
Don’t make Bush lose.

We have a choice.
We can end the preclusion
Of third parties who would run
But for two-party collusion
Leading to their extrusion.
We can invite a profusion
Of fresh disillusioned
Ones ripe with solutions.
We can break the illusion
Of a vote by exclusion,
And have elections which are
not a foregone conclusion;
A President who can
Pronounce nuclear fusion.
Please tell me that
this is not a delusion.
That one day reds and blues
wont be in seclusion.
That my dream for
a polyparty infusion
Is not just a product
of mental confusion,
But is rather a
policy allowing inclusion
Which would empower the choice
of our final conclusion.
s-e-m-h so much of a ruse in fact that Republicans have been funneling money into the Nader campaign. 040414
rewritistic optimist We have a choice.
We can choose
To sing the blues
That we’re not enthused
About someone who’s
Likely to schmooze
Abuse or misuse
The crews
Of mes and yous
Who choose
To pay our dues
Tho we’re battered
And bruised
From hearing the news
Of how taxes were used
To finance the coups
We now must defuse.

We have a choice.
We can choose
To be confined
To Reds or Blues
And thereby make
Ourselves infused
With the two party ruse.
Each side pursues
Different paths
To same truths.
But we reduce
Spectrums of hues
To ones or twos.
If one is whom
We would recuse
The candidate who’s
Left can cruise
Into office and eschews
Further reviews.
This dichotomy ensues
And threatens to suffuse
The sources of news
Which will accuse
The voters whose
Third party views
Don’t make Bush lose.

We have a choice.
We can end the preclusion
Of third parties who would run
But for two-party collusion
Leading to their extrusion.
We can invite a profusion
Of fresh disillusioned
Ones ripe with solutions,
And have elections which are
Not a foregone conclusion;
A President who can
Pronounce nuclear fusion.
Please tell me that
This is not a delusion.
That one day reds and blues
Won’t be in seclusion.
That my dream for
A polyparty infusion
Is not just a product
Of mental confusion.
But But is rather a policy
Allowing inclusion,
Which can break the illusion
Of a vote by exclusion
Empowering the choice
Of our final conclusion.
realistic optimist i dunno where that second But in a row came from, it's not in the copy i cut and pasted. i guess it just goes to show there are two butts here. :/ 040414
oldephebe Nice! 040421
realistic optimist thanks, oldephebus

i posted this poem here, complete with links and pretty pictures:
what's it to you?
who go