Q (for this to make any sense, assuming that is possible, you need to read Brad's blathe today (000309) on "position" as well as blathes on rationalization, cat's_cradle, sophistry, and devils_right.)

sorry, my mind is so knotted up flailing right now, i could not avoid posting this - in response to Brad's 000309 posting on "position," despite the most sincere effort at obeying the conclusion archangel gabriel, the ueberczar of eternal rationality, is just now shouting at me - (as i whisper under my cranial overhang: fuck 'em, he's not really with us anymore, his voice just has a longer half-life than his gluons, he was annihilated last night when the angels_left, lead by him and his cousin michael, and devils_right, headed by satan and vonnegut's escaped cat, crossed paths outside Potsdam) - so here goes:

Brad, do you think your teacher would be willing to take on additional students, even if they've never played the guitar? (i did play the piano a couple of times) i'm really impressed and somewhat incredulous but very excited that s/he could get you to slide up to the thirteenth position. that's awfully far up. hell, with my perfect 0.000 record of rational non-conception, i can't even get to first base.
what's it to you?
who go