kim can we sing together now
a song that i forgot
i can't seem to remember how
the words formed a plot.
but no matter anyhow
just as long as you forget me not
i will sing a song to you
about a world
where nothing has boundaries
and money doesn't exist
and everybody is happy
and brimming with bliss
there's people dancing on the walls
and looking back at you through the
colored glass
the trees are made of people from your past
the moon is smiling as she does her dance of whispering romance
and you don't want the rain to stop falling on your ears and eyes
the sun can stay away a little while longer
as your racing mind grows stronger
Shugarhi we sang together in spanish class...

our voices twined together in melodic attunement...

yet we didn't know the words...
ranaldo we make up what we can't hear, then sing all night. 010524
three words scar_crossed_non_lovers singtogether you_love_me_not 050202
Sakhalin is Magnifique Sakhalin...


It is so pretty! ô

ô So super! ♫

oldephebe hey, nice bit of manuscript, how did U do that?
what's it to you?
who go